I aspire to educate you on the root cause of your health, wellness, & beauty concerns, and ultimately help you unveil your glow, through curating customized treatment plans

Hi, I'm Dr. Marlee!

Hi, I'm Dr. Marlee!

Dr. Marlee Guy is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, with a strong scientific background, achieving her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto.

Dr. Marlee excels at investigating the underlying causes of complex conditions through utilizing in-depth history taking, physical exams and cutting-edge laboratory testing. Dr. Marlee’s mantra is to dig deeper & think bigger as she carefully examines your concerns through a holistic lens, focusing on unveiling the root cause rather than treating symptoms.

She switched her skates
for a stethoscope

She switched her skates for a stethoscope

Dr. Marlee’s passion for health, wellness, beauty and fitness started from a young age as she competed nationally in figure skating. However, she ultimately decided to switch in her skates for a stethoscope! While originally preparing to embark on a career in conventional medicine, Dr. Marlee’s professional aspirations shifted the moment she discovered the tremendous impact a naturopathic approach had on her family’s health and how seamlessly it aligned with her own personal values on health promotion & disease prevention.

Dr. Marlee's Approach

Dr. Marlee's Approach









Main Interests

Skin health & anti‑aging

Hormonal imbalances

Digestives concerns

Stress &

Weight management

Learn how we can unveil your glow